Meet Christina

Christina - The Behind-the-Scenes Sorcerer

In typcial Minnesota style, Christina's path crossed a few different times in life with Alex before joining the Lucille's team.  Alex and Christina grew up in the same town, Christina even graduated high school with Alex's sister.  Later in life, Christina was a member at a fitness facility where Alex coached and managed.  It was around that time that Christina removed alcohol from her life and her biggest fear was that socially she would miss out.  What would she do now not drinking?  Was she going to be stuck drinking club soda with a lime at every dinner and social gathering for the rest of her life?  It was over dinner at what was affectionately known as "Sober Book Club," that Christina convinced Alex to bring Lucille's to life, and then Alex convinced Christina to come along for the ride.

While you’ll see Christina out at events from time to time, she’s more of a behind the scenes girl – researching new beverages, balancing the books and trying to figure out how to bring Alex’s vision to life.